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Please contact your local District Office for assistance.
Please make an appointment prior to arrival.


Supervisor — Steven Triplett 
([email protected])
Phone:(760) 863-7057

Ag. Inspector - Azucena Guerra
280 N. Broadway, Blythe, CA 92225
Phone:(760) 921-5630
Fax:(760) 921-5637






San Jacinto/Hemet

Supervisor— Kevin Gallego
[email protected]
Phone: (951) 654-2050

Support Staff — Elisa Mendoza

San Jacinto/Temecula District Ag. Inspector - Oscar Uribe
San Jacinto/Temecula District ASI — Tasnia Akbar, Tayler Barthol, Payton Daley, Blake Ferris, Melissa Gonzalez, Daniel Mariscal, Edgar Montoya, Rocio Moreno, Steven Olivas, Juanita Rios, Marco Rivera, Irma Rodriguez

950 N. Ramona Blvd Suite 15, San Jacinto, CA 92582
Phone: (951) 654-3266
Fax: (951) 654-8296

Language(s) Available— Spanish
Juanita Rios
Phone: (760) 808-3697
Email: [email protected]


Supervisor — Steven Triplett 
[email protected]
Phone:(760) 863-7057

Support Staff — Cynthia Ramos

ASI — Jasmine Burden, Manuel Figueroa, Stephanie Hernandez, Brian Larson, Hernan Nunez, Hans Pfingsten, Katya Pfingsten, Linnea Posthuma, Natalie Posthuma, & Michael Valencia

81077 Indio Blvd., Ste. K, Indio, CA 92201
Phone:(760) 342-5070, dial "0"
Fax:(760) 342-0734

Language(s) Available — Spanish
Cynthia Ramos
Phone:(760) 342-5070
Email: [email protected]




Supervisor — Christopher Aramouni
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (951) 955-3045 

Enforcement Supervisor - Marisol Torres
[email protected]
Phone: (951)955-3023

Support Staff — Erica Millan, Maggie Aguilera

ASI — Abdul Abdulrazzaq,  Monica Castellanos, Garret Finan, Vanessa Frey, Elliot Garcia, Marco Hanna, Talia Marroquin, Leah Miranda, Taylor Price, Weman Reyes, Ryan Robert, Rochelle Romero, Evelyn Sanchez, Anayeli Sarabia, James Wills, Nijea Wyatt & Ron Wymore

3403 10th Street, Suite 701, Riverside, CA 92502-1089
Phone: (951) 955-3045
Fax: (951) 955-3047

Language(s) Available — Spanish
Erica Millan
Phone: (951) 955-3045
Email: [email protected]

If this is an emergency and pesticides endanger people's health, call 911. 
Please contact (951) 955-3045 if a Pesticide incident occurs after business hours or on weekends.

Si se trata de una emergencia y pesticidas estan poniendo en peligro la salud de las personas, llame al 911. 
Si se ocurre un incidente de pesticida despues del horario de oficina o fines de semana, favor de comunicarse al (951) 955-3045.