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To submit payment for registration fees, please use our "Online Payment" portal on our website. Our office will continue to process checks or money orders mailed to our office. Please make out payments to "Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's Office" and include your permit or license number on your check or money order. Thank you.

Pesticide Registration Information

Instructions for completing the registration process (Registration forms are no longer being mailed out):

  1. First, be sure to download the form to your computer. 
  2. Once you have filled out the downloaded form,  hit "SUBMIT FORM" to email.
  3. Go to the "Online Payment" tab to pay the registration fee and complete the registration process. 
    Restricted Material Permits/ Operator Identification NumbersRegistration Letter   
    Structural Pest Control Operators/Branch IRegistration LetterRegistration Form 

    Structural Pest Control Operators/ Branch II, IIIRegistration LetterRegistration Form 
    Pest Control PilotsRegistration LetterRegistration Form  
    Pest Control OperatorsRegistration LetterRegistration FormEquipment Registration Form 
    Pest Control AdvisersRegistration LetterRegistration Form  
    Farm Labor ContractorsRegistration LetterRegistration FormField Worker Safety (English)Field Worker Safety (Spanish)

    California Department of Food and Agriculture

    California Department of Pesticide Regulation

    Pesticide Use Enforcement Program

    Certified Farmers Market Program

    Nursery License Application

    Records Review and Data Search Request Forms

    Weights and Measures Registration Forms

    To submit any of the forms below be sure to download the form to your computer first. Once you have filled out the downloaded form, hit "Submit Form" to send. Payment will need to be submitted to complete the registration process.

    Organic Registration Information

    Landscape Plan Check

    Application for Export Certification

    • PPQ Form 572

      Notice of Intent to move citrus host appliances into the Coachella Valley

    • Form

      Complaint Forms / Formas de Quejas

      Pesticide Incident / Incidente de Pesticidas

      Please contact (951)-955-3045 if a Pesticide incident occurs after business hours or on weekends.

      Si ocurre un incidente con pesticidas después del horario de oficina o los fines de semana, favor de comunicarse a (951)-955-3045.

      Agricultural Damage Assessment Forms

      • Please contact the Agricultural Commissioner's Office at
        951-955-3045 for the latest details.
      • Agricultural Grading Registration

      • Please contact the Agricultural Commissioner's Office at
        951-955-3045 for the latest details.

      Agricultural Manure Registration for Land Application

      Agricultural Burn Permits

      • Please contact South Coast Air Quality Management District at 909-396-2000 for details.

      Dust Control Permits

      Web Links Info

      If this is an emergency and pesticides endanger people's health, call 911. 
      Please contact (951) 955-3045 if a Pesticide incident occurs after business hours or on weekends.

      Si se trata de una emergencia y pesticidas estan poniendo en peligro la salud de las personas, llame al 911. 
      Si se ocurre un incidente de pesticida despues del horario de oficina o fines de semana, favor de comunicarse al (951) 955-3045.